Monday, September 14, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

The Killer App of the next decade will be sleep. Time after time, people complain they don't sleep well due to stress or other factors (like a new baby?) And, due to the obesity epidemic, I can only imagine snoring is at an all time high (it seems so based on online advertising.) So, what is the silver bullet? The pharma company that can come up with a genuine sleep substitute will have the ultimate market cap. Imagine feeling a little run down and taking a pill (legally!) to literally add the feeling and benefit of two hours of sleep. Sounds crazy but I can imagine countless firms are already working on something similar deep in the molecule chasing labs!

The Eyes Have It

Given the rapid influx of information coming to us 24/7 and on increasingly smaller screens, I predict that there will be a massive increase in the number of people wearing corrective eyewear (glasses and contacts.) So, the smart ones will invest in companies that make optics and contact lenses. After all, while Moore's law says we'll be able to pack an increasing amount of information on smaller chips every two years – our eyes simply haven't kept up.

"That rate, since the invention of the integrated circuit in 1958, doubles the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit, approximately every two years." Gordon Moore.