Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ageism On Steroids

Ok, get this, many people in the corporate communications world are so obsessed with the new digital divide (under 30 vs. over) that there are rumours about that no CEO wants a head of communications over that magical age. What I would like to call is a new ageism that apparenetly is real. Does this mean if you are over 30, you are cooked? I hope not but it does catch your eye. The one falacy with all of it of course is that age by itself is not a competitive advantage. Age by itself is not a differentiator. I went to a conference this month where the organizers had a recent college graduate stand up and introduce himself as a "digital native." He then lamented that all of the digital work in his agency was falling to him and his underlying message was he didn't know what he was doing.

I'd like to call two things: first, that age alone cannot carry the day. And secondly, that the smart ones will leap on board this digital train and keep honing their skillset while levergaing the assets of the their experience.

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