Tuesday, July 29, 2008


All right, I'm going on record to coin a new phrase - "micro-licensing." Given the rise in social networking and the personalization of the Internet, traditional licensing for non-profits may be outdated. A new craze may well take hold: micro-licensing where non-profits and potentially brands literally provide use of their logos for fundraising and other needs. Imagine for a moment the famed (RED) campaign appearing for one month at your local pizza parlor. Or, consider a one-day promotion with your local gas station where proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. This "pop up" social marketing, could be an excellent way to keep non-profits and other organizations raising money through our current recession and beyond (see link.) In my view, micro-licensing could be a great alternative to cumbersome multi-year agreements between non-profits and brands and could help take advantage of our desire to do good...without too much of a commitment.